Summertime is coming, and it's time to open the community pool. Children, parents, and grandparents are all excited about the opportunity to swim, chat, and sun at the true local watering hole. These outdoor swimming pools are an asset to the community, but they are also a liability if they are not managed properly. For safety purposes, local governments and municipalities need to arrange for professional aquatic management services.
Keeping the water at the proper pH and chlorine levels is essential for comfortable and safe swimming. The pH level needs to be kept between 7.4 and 7.6. Below 7.2, the water is too acidic, and above 7.8 the water has too much alkalinity. The water needs to be checked daily in order to keep it in balance.
The proper chlorine level is necessary to keep pathogens, algae, and bacteria from growing in the pool. The level should be between 1.0 and 3.0. If bromine tablets are used, the level should be between 2.0 and 4.0 ppm (parts per million). These levels must also be measured daily so that corrective action can be taken if necessary.
Cyanuric Acid
Cyanuric acid, a chlorine stabilizer, must also be used and monitored. This reading should stay between 20 and 30 ppm. This substance hinders the evaporation of chlorine, which is necessary to keep the pool water safe. Unfortunately, it also affects the pH and alkaline levels, which makes them more difficult to maintain.
Pools are a huge liability issue due to all the accidents that can occur there, but the water itself can cause illness if it becomes a haven for bacteria. Swallowing a little pool water isn't harmful, but ingesting a large amount of water that has not been properly treated may cause illness due to the presence of E.coli and parasites. The following symptoms may occur:
Vomiting and upset stomach
Continuous coughing
Trouble breathing
Excessive fatigue
Maintaining healthy water balance is only one of the necessary tasks for aquatic facility management. Safety training, facility maintenance, inspections, and pool openings and closings are also necessary to keep pools running smoothly. Professionals can handle the complexities of these jobs while ensuring public safety and protecting the community from liability issues. Aquatic management is not a job for amateurs. When the community pool is run by experts, everyone else is able to enjoy a summer of worry-free swimming fun.